Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Jonah

It's unbelievable, but it happens before we know it. our babies get a year older. I cannot believe that my little sweet Jonah is already 2! It seems like yesterday, well not really yesterday, but that's how the ol' saying goes that he was born! I was so excited yet so sad all at the same time! I was excited, of course because the 9 long months of waiting was finally over and he was here...but I was sad because I was here in TN and he and Cara was in NC:( You better believe though, that aunt Christy and mammaw Billie would soon be on their way to NC to see that little booger and YES when he was just a few weeks old we made a little trip to see him and Cara and Of course Isaac;)

Oh the memories......the good and the bad...good=Jonah, bad=me being prego. laughing!!!

But now he's getting to be a big boy, well a toddler big boy and well before I cry I must post the pictures that I took at his birthday party that Cara asked ME to be the official photographer at! YAY!!!!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed the pictures Cara, I love you and your family with all my heart and I cherich each of you dearly.

Happy Birthday Jonah

We Love you Sweetie, (even if you don't know how to blog. yet!)

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