Monday, October 18, 2010

The two of them

I met up with Rachel and Dustin at Ijams Nature Center, one of my favorite places, to do some pictures of the two of the them just because. She has been wanting some pictures of them for some time now and contacted me a while back about doing them for her and we finally got to meet up and get them done. So, we get to Ijams to find out that there is some kind of big event going on there and there is like a zillion people there. We drove like forever to park and chatted on the phone for a bit about what we were going to do and where we were going to go. We finally decided to go over to the rock quarry which is just a couple seconds down the road and we parked and got out there. We decided that we would walk. We literally walked forever. Heehee. We definitely got our exercise in that evening but got some great shots as we found some random places. I hope these pictures are what Rachel hoped for and I hope she loves them dearly! Enjoy friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. The first time I ever shot at Ijams there was a huge even going on too. SAME TIME mid October last year. It was a kids event- games all over the place and everything but we still got to shoot before too many more people showed up lol.

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