Friday, April 16, 2010

It's been one of those....

weeks....phew....can i take a breathe now! I just got out of a very refreshing bath, used my Mary Kay Time Wise Moisturizer (that I have been out of for a couple of weeks now, uuggghhh) and boy do I feel like a new woman! Seriously, let me just tell you what has happened...Here it goes, well Taylure has been sick for over a couple of weeks now with a bad ear infection AND pink eye....Sunday Ayden started running a high fever, which we found out this week was mono...He has been out of daycare since, ummmm Thursday! Kaleb started calling from school on Wednesday saying he didn't feel good so he came home early (which by the way, this week is one of those very important-dont want to miss-TCAP-for crying out loud kind of weeks at school) Thursday he "toughed it out" and went back and called again half the day through and came home early again running a fever this time. Friday morning he was off to the DR and guess what....You got it MONO! Not to mention in the middle of all of this mommy had to tough out a full day of a terrible belly ache and headache which was I guess to be a 24 hour type bug because I felt better by the next day, thank the lord for that. We all know that it's never good when mommies get sick:( Joe has kind of flew under the radar so far and we are praying that he doesn't get sick...We are just praying at this point for complete healing of our family<3 it has been a tough week that's for sure but one important thing that I have realized is that sometimes we take little things in life for granted...for example...I miss my boys running around bugging the heck out of each other...We have all 5 kind of been at each other throats the past couple of weeks and I know these hard times will pass, I just want for us to enjoy each other every minute that we have together whether it be when we are sick or well:) My good friend Cara sent me the sweetest little reminder not to live each day in a routine and to live my life to the fullest and from this moment on I have decided...that's just what I am going to do!

Here we are, as crazy as we are sometimes...we are still the
"Fabulous Five"

(photo by Amy Cupp)

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