Saturday, June 5, 2010

she's all mine...well and joe's and kaleb's and ayden's, of course

I'm talking about Taylure Faye Foreman! We have to share this cute little teaser, and a teaser she is, but she is rotten for sure:) We have so many nicknames for her, like...sissy, sissy-pants, stinky, stinky britches, sissy-jeans, tay-tay, tay-bug, winey-girl (only when she's winey of course!)....She's just so cute and so full of spirit and imagination at such a young age. She recently had tubes put in her ears and let me tell you I must have the toughest daughter in the world because she was such a trooper. You would have never known that she had it done because she was so good! She was a bit winey but that is to be expected. I am so lucky to have this sweet blessing and I thank my lucky stars that she was given to us my our sweet Jesus above:) We love you sissy-jeans:)
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