Thursday, October 21, 2010


As many of you know, we have been going through alot with Ayden in the past week. I wanted to do this blog post to let all of my friends know what is going on with him, (well at least what we know).
As of Sunday Ayden started this really strange swelling in his face and belly that we didn't quite understand. We thought that maybe he was having an allergic reaction to something that he ate or got around over the weekend, we just didn't know. He went on to school the next morning even though he asn't feeling the greatest, and I worried all day because by this point I had a feeling that something else was going on with him. The reason for this feeling was that we had given him benedryl the night before and the swelling hadn't gone away at all. Anyway, he made it through school, but daycare called and said that he was running a fever of 101 and we needed to come and get him. We went to pick him up and he just didn't look to be feeling well at all. I went ahead and got him a DR appointment first thing the next morning. We went, I told the nurse practitioner what was going on and she didn't seem to worried but wanted to take some blood and run a urine sample. Next thing I know the DR comes back in with her and tells me that Ayden has what they think is a condition called Glomerulonephritis. He told me Ayden had blood and protein in his urine and with the swelling and everything he was almost positive of this and wanted to send him to a Pediatric Nephrologist to look into this further. I was scared to death! Ayden of course was hopping around on the bed going crazy;) Next thing I know the nurse comes back in and wants to re-check his blood pressure. I ask her why shes checking it again, I figured he didn't sit still enough the first time. She told me that it was high the first time so they wanted to test it again. She ran it, it was high again. Apparantly, Glomerulonephritis causes high BP. They came back in ran another round of blood tests on him and then we were on our way. The next morning we went to see the Nephrologist. He talked alot and asked alot of questions. He wanted to know family history and Ayden's history since birth. They ran more blood test on him, re-checked his BP (which was still high) and re-checked his urine (which still showed blood and protein). They also sent us for a chest x-Ray because he has had some trouble breathing. Come to find out. He has fluid on/around his lungs and has to be put on some diuretics to help remove the fluid. He also has had to be put on BP med to control his BP. He is being tested daily right now for his BP to make sure it doesn't get any higher, as it could cause complications. He went today for a renal ultrasound (in the words of Ayden "no he's not having a baby") heehee...and the results from the ultrasound tech looked good. She said that everything looked great to her.

At this point, we are waiting...waiting on his strep results to come back, which may take up to a week, to find out if that's what cause this. If so it can be treated with steroids and no long term kidney damage...We are going to stay positive and hope that's all it is at this point! I put a link if anyone is interested in reading anymore about it! Thank you all for your concern and thoughts and most importantly, your prayers! Please  continue to pray for Ayden and our family! We love you all!

             I bet you all wonder why the title of this post is A.Y.? Well it's a silly nickname I made up for Ayden, one of the many. It's gets on his nerves so bad when I call him that and I really don't know why I started it. It's the first two letters of his name and I am cool and just made it up one day. That's what cool mommys do;)

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