Thursday, October 7, 2010

A preview to my first second shooting experience

I had the opportunity to second shoot with the awesome Samantha Bartolomeo! You can check out her amazing work here. She asked me if I would like to shoot with her a few weeks back and I was all like UM YES! I was so excited that another photographer asked me to second shoot with them! I had so much fun, as this was only my second wedding ever shot (besides when I brought my camera along to Azure and Drew's wedding and tried to be all like the third photographer)! As you all know, or maybe you forgot, I am going to IL to shoot a wedding next weekend and I am beyond excited! I absolutely cannot wait! I am a little nervous about flying by myself, but other that that I think I will be ok. I hope they have a Starbucks in the airport because I plan on getting a frapachino As soon as I arrive, before check in! And then I have already talked with Azure and we agreed that as soon as I arrive in IL we will be making a run by Starbucks there! Basically I will be hopped up on Starbucks for a while! It will be grand! Until then have a great day my friends! And of course, I won't post without a photo, so a sneak peak from the wedding that I second shot!

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